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PhysioSports Institute will offer summer fitness classes and camps beginning June of 2018
for kids, teens, and adults. Below is a listing of available classes and camps.



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When: June (4 week class)

Time: 8am to 9am

Frequency: 2 X per week for 4 weeks (Mon. & Wed.)
Age Range: Adults (18 yrs. and up)

Cost: $100

Number of openings: 20

Instructor: Dr. Joey Cadena

You asked for it, and now it’s BACK! PDX 2.0 is a high intensity strength-based class that will challenge every muscle in your body! This class incorporates cardio, strength training, agility, and balance designed to enhance your athletic performance. Each workout split is designed by Dr. Joey Cadena. Register for PDX 2.0 and receive one (1) free active recovery session. Limit one (1) recovery session per client per month.


PHYSIODYNAMIX 2.0 (June & July)

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When: June & July (8 week class)

Time: 8am to 9am

Frequency: 2 X per week for 4 weeks (Mon. & Wed.)
Age Range: Adults (18 yrs. and up)

Cost: $160

Number of openings: 20

Instructor: Dr. Joey Cadena

You asked for it, and now it’s BACK! PDX 2.0 is a high intensity strength-based class that will challenge every muscle in your body! This class incorporates cardio, strength training, agility, and balance designed to enhance your athletic performance. Each workout split is designed by Dr. Joey Cadena. Register for PDX 2.0 and receive one (1) free active recovery session. Limit one (1) recovery session per client per month.



Click on the button below to register and pay for this class.


When: June 4-14th
Time: 9am to 10am

Frequency: Mon.-Thurs. (2 weeks)
Age Range: 14-17 yrs. old

Cost: $150

Number of openings: 15

Instructor: Liliana Partida

Kids Speed and Agility Camp sessions will include specialized training that focuses on proper techniques to increase speed, agility, and multidirectional quickness which will help your child gain balance, proper timing, intentional movement, and explosive power for his/her sport. Basic body mechanic training and warm up exercises will be implemented as well for injury prevention.


Click on the button below to register and pay for this class.


When: June 18-28th
Time: 9am to 10am

Frequency: Mon.-Thurs. (2 weeks)

Duration: Approx. 1 hour
Age Range: 10-13 yrs. old

Cost: $150

Number of openings: 15

Instructor: Liliana Partida

Kids Speed and Agility Camp sessions will include specialized training that focuses on proper techniques to increase speed, agility, and multidirectional quickness which will help your child gain balance, proper timing, intentional movement, and explosive power for his/her sport. Basic body mechanic training and warm up exercises will be implemented as well for injury prevention.



Click on the button below to register and pay for this class.


When: June 9, 16, 23, & 30

Frequency: 1 X per week (Saturdays)

Time: 8am to 9am
Age Range: Adults (18 yrs. and up)

Cost: $80.00

Number of openings: 10

Instructor: Dr. Joey Cadena

Thor-Fit Strength Class is a unique cross-training, total-body workout. Participants will be given a "hammer" as part of the workout which will include exercises such as hammer slams, flying hammer side lunges, and rotational hammer tosses just to name a few. This class will surely whip you into god-like shape! Hammers will be available for purchase at a discounted price for all participants.








Frequency: 1 X per week

Duration: Approx. 1 hour
Age Range: Adults (18 yrs. and up)

Cost: $60

Number of openings: 10

Instructor: TBA

Who needs weights when you have resistance bands! This class will incorporate a number of upper and lower body resistance band exercises that are effective and safe for all fitness levels.




Frequency: 1 X per week

Duration: Approx. 1 hour
Age Range: Senior Adults (55 and older)

Cost: $40 (discounted rate)
Number of openings: 10

Instructor: TBA

Physical fitness is vital for overall health and longevity especially for older adults. This class will incorporate strength, balance, and flexibility exercises designed to increase muscle strength and prevent falls and injuries.



When: June 16, 2018
Time: 5pm to 6pm

Cost: FREE

Number of openings: 20

Instructor: Dr. Joey Cadena

Do I need to use supplements? How do I know what to choose? How do I know they are made of quality ingredients? If these are some of the questions you’ve asked yourself, then this session is for you! In this 1 hour session, you will learn about proper supplementation to bridge the nutritional gaps that we all experience in our daily lives. The lack of quality supplements on the market has created the need to rely on high-quality supplement companies like AdvoCare. Learn how these amazing products can change your lives for the better! We’ll be sampling a variety of AdvoCare products during this informative session. Every attendee will receive a free individual packet of Spark! Bring a friend and enter to win a gift basket of AdvoCare products valued at over $100.




When: June 23, 2018
Time: 5pm to 6pm

Duration: Approx. 1 hour
Age Range: Adults 18 yrs. and older

Cost: $25

Number of openings: 20

Instructor: Dr. Joey Cadena

Injury prevention is something every runner should incorporate into their training regimen. In this session, participants will learn proper running form techniques along with exercises that will prevent common runner injuries. Tips on off-season training and free screens will also be offered.

© 2024 by Dr. Sandra A. Cadena. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use of PhysioSports Institute Name & Logo is strictly prohibited.

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